The initial brief was designing materials for a workshop in Mozilla's Headquarters in California in Summer 2017. Workshop attendees were expected to leave the workshop with a fresh outlook on their own design processes involving routers and devices for the internet of things.
Mark Blythe facilitated the workshop and I designed the books below. The first book is 58 pages. The second is 16 pages.
The results from our work in Mozilla and other thought experiments in design were published as one conference paper in CHI, one journal article that became a book and was also presented in CHI and one article in the September 2017 issue of Debrief Magazine.
Project in collaboration with Mark Blythe.

Mark Blythe facilitated the workshop and I designed the books below. The first book is 58 pages. The second is 16 pages.

The results from our work in Mozilla and other thought experiments in design were published as one conference paper in CHI, one journal article that became a book and was also presented in CHI and one article in the September 2017 issue of Debrief Magazine.
Project in collaboration with Mark Blythe.